Sunday 19 April 2015

Thriller Opening (Evaluation) - Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

 The audience for our media product is 12 year olds due to the certain aspects to the film. Any younger than the minimum age would be ones likely to view such things as real or may be more jumpy than those of this certain age, and we think those that will still watch this film and enjoy it would be possibly young adults (roughly 25) who would find things to be a little less thrilling than those of the younger age range.

We selected this target audience because they are an audience most people would aim their movies at and that it would be an easier audience to target. We looked into other thriller movies that had that similar age range which helped us to decide on how to make this more appealing to the targeted audience like “Woman in Black” which seems directed at that specific audience.

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